The measurement of bone density (osteodensitometry) is used for the early detection of osteoporosis and for the therapy control of osteoporosis treatment as well as for determining the individual fracture risk.
For an exact evaluation, a current X-ray of the lumbar spine is also required, which can be taken directly before the bone density measurement.
The measurement is performed with the patient clothed, lying down, and is carried out on the lumbar spine and the neck of the femur, and if necessary on the wrist or other parts of the body using a low-radiation method (DEXA method). The radiation exposure is about 1 to 0.006 mSv, which is many times lower than the average annual radiation exposure from the environment (earth radiation and radiation from outer space: about 4-6 mSv).
During the examination, the bone density (t-score and z-score), the TBS (trabecular bone score) and the FRAX score are determined. If desired, a body fat analysis can also be performed as a private service.
An examination is recommended for women from the age of 65 and for men from the age of 70. If additional risk factors are present (e.g., hereditary strain, prolonged cortisone therapy, malnutrition/underweight, chronic joint or intestinal diseases, fractures without trauma, smoking, vitamin D deficiency, low-calcium diet, no sport) an earlier examination date is advisable.
Important information
As a matter of principle, no X-ray examinations may be performed on pregnant women. We therefore ask you to inform us about a possible pregnancy before the examination.
Good to know
The costs of the examination are covered by the health insurance companies in different ways.
Please contact our team if you have any questions about the examination, making an appointment and billing (private rates).